For thousands of years the art of massaging has been used to prevent and cure disease. The earliest definitive medical reference for healing massage comes from Ancient Egypt around 3000 BC. Massage improves all of the functions of the skin, blood flow through the muscles improves and therefore the transport of waste products from the muscle improves and muscle tone is brought back to normal. Blood circulation, especially the venous blood return is stimulated which has a positive outcome for the lymph system. Moreover the healing touch reduces blood pressure and slows down the heart rate; it calms the nervous system helping to release tension and gives a feeling of well-being and relaxation.
Hypnosis describes a mental state in which a person has an increased openness to suggestions. Hypnotherapy uses guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness that is sometimes called a trance. The person’s attention is so focused while in this state that anything going on around him is temporarily blocked out or ignored. In fact it is a natural state we move into when becoming completely absorbed in a good book, good film or a beautiful piece of music.